I have lived in the SE Portland area since 1969 and know the area well. I entered real estate in 1984 and started my own company in 1988. I have been active in management and sales as well as investment and development. You can put that experience to work for you today.
Less than 3% of Realtors nationwide hold the Certified Residential Specialist designation. Even fewer hold the Certified Residential Broker designation. I have held both since 1994. You can put that experience to work for you today.
I have strong negotiating skills to help bring people together for successful transactions. As broker and owner I have trained dozens of new salespeople to be successful by helping their clients achieve their dreams. You can put that experience to work for you today.
Your Best Option:
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate offers proven programs to help you sell or buy real estate successfully. My background, training and skills working in tandem with our Better Homes and Gardens programs is you best option in the southeast Portland area.